Braving the day with no make up... sadly enough makes me feel naked and troll like. But receiving the Bare Minerals starter kit for christmas just makes me feel extra special and truly gorgeous (well better than what I looked like before). Wearing make up just became so much easier to apply and even easir to wear without looking like a victoria sponge.
I decided to go for the matte version of Bare Minerals, out of the choice of either this or the original version. As currently, I haven't got the best skin... These do come in handy as they are soooooo good for your skin and have so many benefits!
Sadly enough, I haven't quite reached tanning stage yet as England just has the worst "floods" at the moment, but with the kit you get the bronzer; which you might say is cheating but I consider it as clever! ;)
If you have bad skin and still want to cover up without making them ten times worse (which is what i've spent a month doing!!!) then I can assure you its totally worth it.